The cheapest house Leonardo DiCaprio ever lived in, but inside contains items not everyone can own

It is safe to say that Leonardo DiCaprio has gone a very far way from the modest home in Los Angeles, California, where he spent his boyhood.

In addition to being one of the most successful actors in the world and being named a United Nations Messenger of Peace to help encourage climate action, the movie megastar has had an outstanding career that began when he was just five years old and has helped him become one of the most successful actors in the world.

Even though it is obvious that he is a very busy man, it is not surprising that he has accumulated such an enormous real estate portfolio over the years.

Discover the beginning of Leo’s adventure by clicking or scrolling down the page, and take a look around the incredible homes he’s collected along the way…

This is the modest house in Hollywood, California, where Leo spent his formative years throughout the early stages of his life. The apartment can be situated just a few minutes’ walk from the movie studios and red carpets that he will eventually grace as a movie megastar in the future.

The notoriously secretive actor has, throughout the course of his career, become more forthcoming about the neighborhood in which he spent his formative years. “I think that gave me a lot of motivation to, sort of, I think be successful,” he said in an interview with CBS Sunday Morning.

A real estate agent claims that shortly after Leo became famous, he purchased this magnificent mansion located high in the Hollywood Hills.

Actually, the property is comprised of two neighboring houses, one of which was acquired by Leonardo DiCaprio from Madonna in the 1990s for the low, low price of $2M (£1.7M).

During the time that he has owned the estate, Leo has expanded it, along with renovating it and adding a basketball court to the grounds.

Over the course of his career, Leo’s digs have been rented by a number of stars, including Tobey Maguire, among others.