The car appears in MV Drake, the world’s most powerful supercar from Dubai

In recent news, the famous Canadian rapper has made an extravagant purchаse – the Devel Sixteen, an extraordinary hypercar rumored to be inspired by fighter jets. This long-awaited vehicle has successfully overcome numerous design and production challenges and has now been delivered to Drake in Toronto.

The Devel Sixteen has faced criticism ever since it was first showcased at the Dubai Motor Show in 2013. It boasted incredible specifications, claiming a mind-boggling 0-60 acceleration in 1.8 seconds and a top speed of nearly 350 MPH. Such claims were met with skepticism, akin to someone boldly stating they could outrun Usain Bolt. However, even after five years have passed, Devel still boasts a powerful 12.3-liter V16 engine, promising performance beyond 300 MPH. Interesting…

Despite doubts surrounding its performance figures, one cannot deny the Devel’s captivating and futuristic design. Its otherworldly lines and aesthetics are a sight to behold, and if you choose to see it as a poetic embodiment of Dubai’s allure, it certainly won’t disappoint.