Legendary Magic Johnson spent huge amount of money to rent luxury yacht to explore Greece

Basketball legend Magic Johnson is presently vacationing in Greece and enjoys it for its stunning environment.

The great basketball player arrived in style, setting out on his luxury yacht to tour the Greek islands. He is most remembered for his time spent playing for the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1980s. He traveled across the Isthmus of Corinth and shared his experiences online with his online followers. He shared his joy via social media after navigating the Corinth Canal, which links the Ionian and Aegean oceans.

He raved that the 1893 canal, which “was absolutely beautiful,” was. Magic Johnson’s adventures in Greece continue to draw admirers from all around the world, and he is now joined by other famous people, like tennis legend Rafa Nadal, who just visited.

Magic Johnson’s family has arrived in the country; a few days ago, they announced their arrival on social media. All of the attendees were sporting t-shirts with the Wɑshington Commanders’ nɑme and logo, which Magic Johnson’s company recently acquired for $6.5 bιllιon.