Lil Wayne talked about loving his children unequally, so who does he love the most in the family?

It is difficult to say for sure whether Lil Wayne loves his children equally or not. His relationship with his children is a complex and personal matter, and only he can know exactly how he feels about each child.

On the other hand, the following conclusions can be drawn from publicly available data:

Lil Wayne is the father of numerous children by numerous women. Although he claims to have five children officially, there are rumours that he has more children with other men. This may result in variations in the amount of time and care he devotes to every child.

Lil Wayne once shared about the challenges of fatherhood. He said that he cannot always be with his children because of work, and he feels regretful about that.
Lil Wayne has shown his love for his children in many different ways. He wrote songs about them, spent time with them when he could, and bought them gifts.
Overall, it is impossible to say with certainty whether Lil Wayne loves his children equally or not. His relationship with his children is a complex and personal matter, and only he can know exactly how he feels about each child.

However, it can be seen that Lil Wayne cares about his children and tries his best to be the best father.